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WOW! Revealing Review of Former SDUHSD Employee – Lea Wolf for School Board

WOW! Revealing Review of Former SDUHSD Employee

How does this "Special Relationship" between the Union and the District serve our students?

“Super strong union president who is nicknamed the unofficial board member who is often in cahoots with admin on the sly to maintain their side deals. This means that bad teachers can be really bad with a complete disregard for consequences, but new employees don’t get adequate protection Use of temprary contracts to the point of questionable legaility. I have seen a teacher work for 5-6 years on temp contract, not even working towards tenure, get elected Dept. Chair. Needs to advocate more for staff against legalistic parents. Horrible for students that don’t fit their mold.”

“I worked at San Dieguito Union High School District full-time for more than a year. Great location and pay for teachers, so when it attracts good teachers, they are really great! Most students are high -SES and excellent in school, so you don’t have to do much to get results.”

This entire post was taken from www.Glassdoor.com  This is a testimony of a former SDUHSD employee revealing his opinion/review about the “special relationship” between the union and the district.  Here is how to see it on www.glassdoor.com

  1.  Click on below link,    2.  click on reviews,   3.  then scroll down to see the review

“ Taxpayers and students need an independent representative who will look out for their interests…
a parent of a district student…with fresh ideas.
Lea is an outspoken voice for students and their parents… one of the few that dares to speak out.
Lea has the courage, commitment, and integrity to be a student-centered trustee.”

John Salazar, SDUHSD Board Trustee

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