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We Made a Difference! – Lea Wolf for School Board

We Made a Difference! Thank You!

“Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted.”

We’ve made progress towards our mission

Dear Community Members:

I wish to wholeheartedly thank you for voting in this past election. Mostly, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my views and ideals for this great school district.

To my many supporters and voices for change, we may not have gotten to the finish line, but we succeeded in our mission to bring fresh perspective to the conversation about our district’s schools. As the sole independent candidate, I’m proud of the great support and momentum we managed to build over the course of just a few weeks. In the words of William Bruce Cameron:

“Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be counted.”

 And so, perhaps, there is a silver lining in that which cannot be counted, and that is—we succeeded in raising awareness about the issues, opening up the conversation and gaining great support from students, parents and our community as a whole. Most importantly, we became the voice for those hesitant to speak up. This, in itself, is a first step towards making real progress.

To those who did not support our cause, I am hopeful that we can engage in meaningful dialogue as to what is best for our kids’ education and wellness as a whole. I wish to congratulate the newly elected candidates and encourage them to pursue policy that truly puts students’ interests at the forefront and hope they will guide our district to a brighter future.

This has been a tough race and many diverse voices in our community have reached out in support of my cause and ideals. I will always be grateful to my family, friends, volunteers and supporters in our community that stood by me throughout this hard-fought campaign.

But our work does not stop here. It was Sir Winston Churchill who most eloquently stated that

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal—it is the courage to continue that counts.”

We, therefore, must continue pushing forward in our mission to transform our children’s educational experience.

My message to “Empower Students” stands. Those who have come to know me during the course of my campaign have understood the importance of shifting the education paradigm in our schools. Our present system is in need of retooling and this campaign has only served to inspire and embolden me further to make a difference. In the coming months, I can assure you that I will continue to promote key policies that serve the best interests of students.

Most of all, I will continue to advocate and stand up for those vulnerable students and members of our community who feel voiceless through our Let’s Speak Up organization.

If you wish to participate in our continued mission, I’d love to hear from you!

With sincerity,  Lea Wolf

Our students deserve respect, compassion, and love.

“ Taxpayers and students need an independent representative who will look out for their interests…
a parent of a district student…with fresh ideas.
Lea is an outspoken voice for students and their parents… one of the few that dares to speak out.
Lea has the courage, commitment, and integrity to be a student-centered trustee.”

 John Salazar, SDUHSD Board Trustee

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