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Special Relationship Between Teachers’ Union and School Boards – Lea Wolf for School Board

Special Relationship Between Teachers' Union and School Boards

Currently, three of the five Board Members on the San Dieguito Union High School District are Union funded and controlled by the Union.

Here are some excerpts from Marsha Sutton of the Del Mar Times on the conflict of interest on school boards and the Union’s influence:

“Its political war chest is legendary, allowing it to dominate elections, including school board races …”

“Yes, the teachers’ PAC is the single and … largest fundraiser during the board elections, spending almost $40,000 in 2016 to get Dalessandro and another incumbent elected … Until board leadership changes, students will apparently always be #2 for some of our board members.  We hope that we get new board members … who firmly believe students are #1.”

“It’s time to reject the notion that teachers’ unions represent the best interests of students. That’s not what they’re about.”

“From 2000-2010, CTA spent over $210 million on political campaigning – more than any other donor in the state, outspending the pharmaceutical, oil and tobacco industries combined.”

“California’s teachers are among the highest paid in the nation; yet there is little accountability for student achievement or teacher performance. Tenure and seniority are protected. Laws make it almost impossible to fire teachers for incompetence or misconduct”


Put students first by shifting the culture from union to student centered.

Vote Melisse Mossy, Maureen Muir, and Lea Wolf for SDUHSD School Board. Integrity. Transparency. Compassion.

“ Taxpayers and students need an independent representative who will look out for their interests…
a parent of a district student…with fresh ideas.
Lea is an outspoken voice for students and their parents… one of the few that dares to speak out.
Lea has the courage, commitment, and integrity to be a student-centered trustee.”

John Salazar, SDUHSD Board Trustee

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